
W0501-24M074 Riso Cargo And Utility Trailer Rentals

Pedido de Propostas

Informação Geral

   6 de Set, 2024
26 de Set, 2024
Department of Public Works and Government Services (PSPC)
   publicado: 6 de Set, 2024

Informação para contato

   Leger2, Lyne (SPAC/PSPC)
Department of Public Works and Government Services (PSPC)
   Clique aqui

Bens, obras e serviços

Carrinhas de caixa aberta (pick-ups) Veículos automóveis com tracção às quatro rodas Veículos blindados para transporte de pessoal Carroçarias, reboques ou semi-reboques para veículos Reboques

Additional resources



notice_summary_english: This Regional Individual Standing Offer is for rental service of up to Ten 6x12 cargo railer, up to Ten 5x8 Cargo trailer, up to Five 6x12 utility trailer with ramp and up to Five 5x9 Utility trailer with ramp on an as and when requested basis for a period of one year contract with the option of two addition one (1) year option if needed.
local_title: W0501-24M074 RISO Cargo and Utility Trailer Rentals
type_of_procedure: Other
bidding_response_method: Not Available

Texto original

More information: Clique aqui
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