
Mixed Contracting Of The Supply, Through Leasing Without Purchase Option, And The Maintenance Service Of Three Bottom Cleaning Robots For The Indoor And Outdoor Swimming Pools Of The Can Llobet Municipal Sports Facility And For The Indoor Swimming Pools Of The Sports Facility Municipal Maria Reverter, Which Together With Its Codification, Appears In Section A) Of The Attached Table Of Characteristics (Annex 1). The Bidding And Execution Of The Contract Will Be Governed, In Addition To The Applicable Legal Regulations, By The Specific Administrative Clauses And The Technical Specifications (Ppt) (Annex 2).

Pedido de Propostas

Informação Geral

   14 de Set, 2024
31680 EUR
   publicado: 14 de Set, 2024

Texto original

N777240021Contractació mixta del subministrament, mitjançant arrendament sense opció de compra, i el servei de manteniment de tres robots neteja fons per a les piscines cobertes i exteriors de la instal·lació esportiva municipal Can Llobet i per a les piscines interiors de la instal·lació esportiva municipal Maria Reverter, que junt amb la seva codificació, figura a l'apartat A) del quadre de...
Opções de assinatura




US$ 550,00/ano

US$ 1.000,00/por ano

Custo mediante solicitação

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